About SEHC
Learn more about our community
Somatic Experiencing Houston Community (SEHC)
Somatic Experiencing Houston Community, SEHC is a network of professionals dedicated to assisting the Greater Houston area in healing from the effects of traumatic events. Our common thread is being trained in and utilizing Somatic Experiencing (SE), a body oriented approach to the healing of trauma and other stress disorders. Although many of the professionals on this site have many different types of training, licenses and education, we all know that SE is a powerful model that truly brings peace to those who are ready to work through the trauma and find new openings.
Who We Are
We in the Houston and surrounding areas are a vast group of diverse individuals, with different experiences, responsibilities, concerns and celebrations. No matter who you are we cannot dismiss the fact that we as a city have gone through some tremendous traumas and stressors that have put a strain on many people in different ways. From natural disasters, to school shootings, to sexual trafficking, to military trauma, to domestic violence, to daily survival issues, to relational trauma, to many other traumatic events that a large city could go through, our goal at SEHC is to assist individuals to know they have a core group of professionals dedicated to healing trauma scars.
Houston, know that the members of the Somatic Experiencing Houston Community are here to provide continued assistance and excellence in trauma resolution. We are ready to help people return to their lives without having the effects of trauma causing them difficulty or feeling unable to move forward. Let’s remain Houston Strong together.
This form of trauma work requires an extensive level of training and dedication. Those on this site have various levels of SE training and this will be noted accordingly.

Thank you to our Advocates!

Advocates of Trauma Healing
Want to help Houston and surrounding areas heal from Trauma. Then become an SEHC Advocate of Trauma Healing. We are looking for individuals and business’ to help us grow our Circle of Trauma Healers and Practitioners.